Emailed Posts Now Get a Footnote on

I have a little service set up for that lets me publish posts just by sending an email. I email my content to a special address, and the post goes live on It’s all powered by a mix of Postmark and my custom Flask service running on DigitalOcean. I call it the Simple Butler Service (SBS)! This setup lets me quickly and effortlessly share my thoughts and notes on, a Hugo-powered blog.
Recently, I made a small tweak to the system. Now, when I email a post to, it automatically adds a footnote mentioning that the post was published using Simple Butler Service, with a link to a CuriousMints post that explains the setup in detail.
This post was sent via email, so you should see that footnote at the bottom! 🙂
PS: This blog was published via email using Simple Butler Service.