Was having some issues with GitHub actions. Looks like this should hopefully be fixed now? 🤞🏼
This is some random text. I’m tapping into my email. Hopefully it should show up on my blog soon.
I came across something interesting recently called Zipf’s Law. It’s this idea that in spoken languages, a small number of words—like “the,” “and,” or “of” in English—make up the majority of what we say and write.
I have a little service set up for ajot.me that lets me publish posts just by sending an email.
It’s to get them up and running as quickly as possible. That’s why every guide should include the complete sample code right at the top.
A lot of friends and family have asked why we did this, how we did this, and what it’s been like.
Don’t know who needs to hear this, but if you’re writing a quick start guide, give people everything they need.
Just want to say I’m sitting down with Deepti here at breakfast story in Bangkok and really enjoying.
This blog post was published to my Hugo blog simply by sending an email.
Pretty cool.
This is a test post created via the GitHub API.