Amit Jotwani

Amit Jotwani

👋 Hello, I am Amit.

I am a Developer Experience (DX) consultant by day, helping startups improve their developer experience. I offer DX audits, create educational content, and help you reach developers effectively. Ready to level up your DX game? Let’s talk.

Previously spent years advocating (speaking, writing, building) for developers at Amazon Alexa, Intel Mashery, and most recently Retool.

By night, I’m a Developer Educator, crafting quick-start guides over at Curious Mints, where I turn my techy “Hmm, how do I…” moments into actionable, easy-to-follow guides, each a “mint” of curiosity.

When I’m Not Writing, I’m Building. I’ve got a few side projects up my sleeve. They’re as diverse as my interests (Lego. Seinfeld. Python. Instant Pot). See what I’m up to.

Amateur Stand up Comedian My wife got tired of being my only audience, and signed me up for comedy classes. If you’re in New York, you may find me cracking sad jokes at local comedy clubs. She regrets the decision.

Check out my uses page for a full list of all the software, gadgets, and services, go-to Python libraries, and more.

Check out my blog for thoughts on DX, LEGO, Instant Pot, life, comedy, and more.

Let’s Connect!

Got a project in mind? Questions? Just want to say hi? I would love to chat. Hit me up on Twitter, or LinkedIn.